What We Do


Bhageerath provides consultancy in water, solid & liquid waste management (SLWM) related works. It includes choice of innovative and cost-effective technologies, process designs and preparation of DPR’s

Capacity Building & Training

At Bhageerath we train individuals and organizations obtain, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources needed to do their jobs competently or to a greater capacity in the areas of works

Implementation Support

Bhageerath actively engages with Government agencies and the Private sector under their CSR program with an aim to strengthen capacity for implementation of governmental policies and action plans. We provide assistance to support the implementation of governmental activities / CSR and promote any regulatory actions that can contribute to the development of the society.

Evaluation Studies / Surveys

Community programs promote community ownership by passing on the enabler’s role and ensure their meaningful participation. We engage local citizen groups to participate in issues affecting their well being and related to the chosen areas our work.We Sensitize, train and empower the community to lead the change on various social issues.

Community Engagement

Community programs promote community ownership by passing on the enabler’s role and ensure their meaningful participation. We engage local citizen groups to participate in issues affecting their well being and related to the chosen areas our work.We Sensitize, train and empower the community to lead the change on various social issues.


Bhageerath works to shape the social, economic and political system to promote a given set of interest or ideology . We serve as representatives and advisory experts to decision makers, conduct research, hold conferences and also disseminate information to key constituencies .

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